- A Student shall enter his/her name, address and time of entry legibly and put signature in the register did at the entrance
- He/She most carry the Identity Card with him/her to get the books issued/returned.
- A maximum of these books are issued for one week and they must be returned on or before the last due date.
- 4. Late fee of Rs 2/- per day book would charged for retaining books (s) beyond the due date
- Reference books, journals/periodicals, magazines/newspapers, CD-ROM databases and other documents declared for Reference by the Librarian will not be issued.
- Members are responsible for the books borrowed against their library ticket.
- Do not mark, underline, write or tear pages of the library books and documents.
- Members are requested to check the condition of the book before getting issued. Any damage found in the books taken out for reading or borrowing should be brought to the notice of the Librarian.
- Loss of any borrowed book must be reported immediately to the Librarian/Library Staff. The member must replace the lost book/pay the cost of the latest edition of the lost book along with overdue charges, if any.
- Bags, personal belonging and books borrowed from other libraries are not allowed inside the library.
- While leaving the library, members are required to show their files, file covers, books etc. to the library staff on duty.
- Eating, sleeping, smoking and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the Library.
- Photocopying service is available for bonfire members of the library at nominal charges.
- Ex-students and Research scholars may use the library with due permission from concerned authority.
- Violation of library rule or misconduct by a member may invite discontinuation of the library privileges.
- Cyber library is to be used for academic purposes only.
- Online chatting in the Cyber Library is not allowed.
- Browsing of dating, social networking sites is strictly prohibited.
- Members are not to share their net access ID and password with other students.
- Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire library premises.
- Members must take care of their pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, cell phones and wallets etc.
Students, Teachers-Students, research scholars/non teaching and other members of the staff of the college are entitled to become members of the library.
The Library is open from Monday to Saturday.
Timing 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Circulation timing: 09:00 AM to 09:45 AM
12:30 PM to 01:15 PM
03:45 PM to 04:30 PM
The circulation services will be available from 9.00 to 1.30 pm on Saturday.